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Imagine This!


You walk out on stage in the most incredible dress ever designed. And your shoes? They are AMAZING. The only problem is your dress is 2 sizes too big and your shoes are 1 and a half sizes too small.

All eyes are on you but for all the wrong reasons. You awkwardly waddle across the stage attempting to prevent your oversized dress from dropping to the floor while all along each step you take in your too small shoes creates a new bunion on your foot!


I'm sure you'd never set yourself up for this epic fashion fail, however if you perform your talent without a custom track, you may suffer the same fate!

If you perform to a generic track, you may as well be that poor soul waddling across the stage attempting to make the most out of a product that does not fit you.

Consider Wise Notes your talent tailor. We perform alterations on the original song you'd like to perform cutting, stretching, raising, or lowering it until we create a custom track fitting your talent like a tailored dress hugs every curve.

No more waddling! Let Wise Notes create your perfect fit!

Meet Your Talent Tailor

"I understand your custom track is not about my music.

It's all about YOU!"

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My name is Ceylon Wise and one of the best choices I ever made was asking Ashley to be my wife. We met in college where she majored in Music Performance and I studied Audio Engineering as well as Music. Today I'm a professional musician, songwriter, and audio/video producer.


During our time at school, Ashley introduced me to the world of pageants. I cheered her on as she excelled in every competition. Having a chance to see the time, attention to detail, and preparation it took for her to do so well, I have a profound respect for women like you who choose to compete.

I believe music I create reflects my training and years of professional experience, but I understand your custom track is not about my music. It's all about YOU!

Every note, chord, and rhythm I create is about personally setting you up to perform your best with music that fits you like a glove. I know you deserve better than one size fits all. Let me help you find your perfect fit!

Music Editing (Cutting existing tracks to desired length) - $50

Custom Performance Track Pricing begins at $500

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